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Sampling with the methods and techniques most appropriate to the geological context and the type of contaminant contributes distinctively to the acquisition of reliable and accurate data for the soil environmental assessment. We have equipment and technologies that ensure compliance with the ASTMD6286 “Drilling methods for environmental sampling“.
Our equipment is available for:
- Sampling in a Land environment, in order to assess the degree of soil contamination:
- continuous dry rotation collection using GM2 or T6S samplers;
- continuous sampling by percussive drilling (“Direct Push Soil Sampling “), using a MacroCore sampler, which is protected by an outside layer of PVC liner or transparent CAB;
- continuous sampling by vibropenetration, with Vibrocore.
- amostragem intacta pontual com amostrador Moranou Shelby;
- direct push soil sampling using the DualTube325 sampler;
- amostragem remexida com trado manual ou motorizado.
- Aquatic environment sampling, with our own floating platform, to evaluate the degree of sediment contamination, using continuous sampling by vibropenetration, with Vibrocore;
- Groundwater sampling, using the Low Flow Sampling method, and in situ parameterization, using a multiparametric probe.
Instrumentation and monitoring
We install Casagrande-type piezometers, hydraulic LNEC and electrical, in order to monitor the levels and characteristics of groundwater.
We install Geoprobe® probes to evaluate and monitor the presence of gases in soils.
Aiming to control and periodically sample groundwater, we develop piezometric holes and hydrogeological studies with the intent to model the existing aquifers, as well as to model multilevel environmental piezometers.
The water sampling for environmental assessment is performed using peristaltic pumps.
Water and soil environmental assessment may contribute to their certification if they meet the Ontario rules and regulations.